Kite Skating, Kiteskating, Kite Surfing, Kiteboarding, Kite Buggy, Kite Buggying, Kite Skiing, Kite Landboarding, Wheels Of Doom

Doomwheels Kite Skating.
Enter Doomwheels Kite Skating and Kite Traction Sports.
Kite Skating and Kite Traction Sports.
This web site was designed by Mad Moose is the official web site of kite skater Bob Childs and the wheels Of Doom kite skates.Enter Doomwheels Kite Skating and Kite Traction Sports.Get lost easily? Follow this site map.

The official website of Doomwheels kite skating enthusiast, Bob Childs and the original kite powered, off-road, in-line kite skates, the Wheels Of Doom! Enter this site to access a vault of kite traction information and media... photo galleries, movies, slide shows, traction kiting articles, discussion forum, kite skating, kite surfing, kite buggying, kite skiing, and kite boarding information.

Here is what you will find in Doomwheels Kite Skating...

Kite Skating, the Wheels Of Doom!

The Wheels Of Doom kite skates.Kite skating is an extreme sport using powerful controllable kites to propel riders of off-road, in-line skates or landboards at speeds up to 60 mph. The Wheels Of Doom where the first skates designed specifically for this purpose. Read about the Wheels Of Doom kite skates and learn how make your own.

Bob Childs, pioneer kite skater.

Bob Childs - kite skater, kite traction enthusiast.Bob Childs has been involved in kiting since the mid 80's as a kite designer, sport kite competitor, event organizer, and kite traction enthusiast. Bob travels to events in Europe and America each year demonstrating kite skating and kite surfing. Bob says "Ride Fast Take Chances!"

Kite Skating Photo Gallery.

Troy Navarro kite jumping... one of over 150 images in Doomwheels photo galleries. Doomwheels photo galleries, containing over 350 power kiting images in five albums, display a collection of images taken by Bob Childs at kiting events around the world. You will also find historical images from the early days of kite surfing and kite jumping.

Power Kiting Movie Vault.

Doomwheels video movie vault. Doomwheels mpg movie vault contains over 150 megs of kite skating videos, kite surfing videos, kite boarding video, and kite skiing video. Click here to check if your browser has the Quicktime plug in. You can download the free Quicktime movie player here.

Power Kiting Articles.

Article archive containing kite skating, kite surfing articles and more.Archived articles pertaining to kite skating, kite surfing, original sport kite tricks, and It's A Breeze past sport kite design reviews taken from various magazines over the last ten years.

Power Kiting Wallpaper Images.

Download a series of doomwheels desktop images.Download a series of kite skating, kite buggy, kite surfing desktop wallpaper images for your computer monitor. Collections update every couple months.

Powerkiting Discussion Forum.

Check out the Powerkite discussion forum.The Power Kite Forum is a resource for kite traction enthusiasts around the world to communicate. Have a question regarding kites or kite traction sports? Something to brag about? Kiting stories or a new website? Use this forum to get connected to the most extreme kite personalities on the web!

It's A Breeze sport kites designed by Bob Childs.

Power kites and sport kites for sale. Moved: Visit the It's A Breeze Kites website featuring dual line sport kites designed by Bob Childs. The new Jabberwocky G2 is the current featured sport kite. Learn more about this new slack-line trickster and its evolution from the Legendary original Jabberwocky.

Plus Kite Skating / building instructions, and much more3.

Enter Doomwheels Kite Skating

Kite Skating and Kite Traction Sports.